Auteur: erasmusmakkelie

  • Droste, de verpleegster

    Droste, de verpleegster

    “Het meisje met de parel is een wereldwijd icoon, maar eigenlijk is het Droste meisje/verpleegster een Haarlem icoon met wereldwijd plek in vele winkels. De blikken van Droste zijn over de hele wereld verspreid en nog steeds te vinden. Maar ook dit is aan het verdwijnen. In mijn jeugd hing er nog een cacao lucht…

  • Polman, een eeuw in de vorm van een vrouw

    Polman, een eeuw in de vorm van een vrouw

    “Mrs. Polman, a century in the form of a Woman”   This grand lady has been a great inspiration for a few years. She is elegant, a running library and very art-loving. In her presence, life is a different story. Time delayed, subjects of several decades or centuries and with a grandeur that no longer…

  • PC Hooftstraat Quartet Game

    PC Hooftstraat Quartet Game

    Play now for a fraction of the price in the street. Where the PC Hooftstraat in Amsterdam is mainly known for the extravagant people and cars, and surrounded by the most exclusive shops. In order to succeed well in the street you need a lot of money, a trophy wife and a fast expensive car.…

  • Santa Sylvia, selfie d’Amsterdam

    Santa Sylvia, selfie d’Amsterdam

    This Café is located in a special place in the city center of Amsterdam called “The Baroness”. As an Artists’ café, colorful people come with lots of stories and the owner of this café is Sylvia. There are many cafés in Amsterdam, but there is only one place like “De Barones”. Santa Sylvia, selfie d’Amsterdam…

  • Het Verhaal van de Dronkenschap

    Het Verhaal van de Dronkenschap

    The bar, a place where people with different intentions go. For the social part, for the alcohol or for possible adventures. It always tells a story about the people who are there. This work, Het Verhaal van de Dronkenschap, has it all. It leaves a number of things free to be filled in by the…

  • Het Lied van de Parel

    Het Lied van de Parel

    Our acquaintance took place for borrowing the earring for the project “Angelorina met de Parel.” I came into contact with her through her family. First only for the earring, but then I was asked to help with her own book project. This is something that she has been working on for years. I have provided…

  • Lente Boeket – Catch Me

    Lente Boeket – Catch Me

    “Lente Boeket” Spring has begun, women are blossoming! They seduce like flowers, smell like a blossom. Nude is their beauty… They want to be well cared for, otherwise they will quickly wither. Erasmus Makkelie, pastel chalk and pencil on paper. Made for the “month of the nude” Avro 2016 Catch me, for the craziness of…

  • H’auto


    Time is a concept that is becoming increasingly more important in our time. We fill in our time very precisely, but we do not have a grip anymore. Time goes so fast. I have seen many things change in my short existence. One of my passions is classic (Italian) cars and mopeds. The classic car…

  • Cuba Cars

    Cuba Cars

    On my last vacation in the spectacular country Cuba there was one clear irritation with me. Given our global contacts and knowledge, originality can sometimes be hard to find. Ultimately, we do the same in the end. Certainly due to the arrival of guides such as the “lonely planet” is a large group that no…

  • Geknakt – Ontkiemt

    Geknakt – Ontkiemt

    Everyone responds differently to development and damage in life. Without bumps, problems, setbacks and lows one cannot take the next in-depth step. I believe that the obstacles in people automatically bring growth with it. In my life, this height and low followed in an almost unreal speed. That’s what this work is about. Without too…